Whether you have a big Halloween party or just want to do something cute for your kids, an easy way to make celebrating Halloween special is having a hot chocolate bar! It takes minimal effort and can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish. I also have really cute printables to show you, as well as a beautiful Halloween mug for your hot chocolate!
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For the decor, I used adorable printables by Jenn at Pixels & Pop. She now also has merchandise available on her site! So I grabbed this darling mug that she designed! She has tons of Halloween prints designed on mugs, apparel, tote bags and framed art. You can find her products at Pixels & Pop.
The skeletons on a seesaw was a cute find at Target! It plays a song and lights up and they move up and down. Also, you can never go wrong with some Halloween bats!

Food and Drink
For the treat, I sliced up a chocolate roll cake and added googly eye candies. So easy! For the hot chocolate, I found skull and pumpkin hot cocoa bombs at Target. A bowl of whipped cream, marshmallows and ghost marshmallow peeps rounded out the toppings. It’s the perfect indulgence before going out Trick or Treating!

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