Halloween is the perfect time to get fun and creative with treats! And if you don’t know already, adding googley eyes to everything is key! Haha! Right?! Plus, it never hurts to share some of your creations with your neighbors!

Easy Cookie Ideas
Sugar Cookies – Can’t go wrong with pumpkins and ghosts. I used The Hutch Oven’s recipe!
Rice Krispy Treats – drizzle melted white chocolate over the squares and add festive sprinkles and googley eyes!
Oreos, but extra – Add regular buttercream frosting in between an oreo, then roll in sprinkles and add google eyes of course!
Chocolate Chip Cookies – I used the Nestle Tollhouse recipe but added Halloween m & m’s! Easy!
I found bakery boxes at Michaels and Halloween ribbon at Dollar Tree to gift cookies to my neighbors! I made my own tags with Halloween stickers my daughter had. Do you “Boo” your neighbors?

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